Recent Innovations
Check some of the new innovations that we have added to our product line. The most recent are at the top. Older additions are further down the page. (June, 2023)
The perfect AI software for English teachers would provide automated evaluation and GPT detection. The new VWT module for Labodanglais dies both. Teachers will soon be able to reduce their workload, improve feedback for students, and stop cheating. This feature is almost ready. Expect it in early July. (June, 2023)
We have added a series of English voice-enabled chatbots on Each chatbot has a distinct personality, voice, and set of interests. In the demonstration video below, Simon likes to discuss science and hydrogen fuel cells. (June 2023)
Practice a roleplay for your next job interview by rehearsing with a video chatbot. Then, try your own unscripted answer and receive an automated evaluation on your vocabulary, grammar, and fluency. (June, 2023)
Good writers talk about writing. Practice speaking French with Francoise, our voice-enabled chatbot, to help you imporve your writing, generate ideas, or just keep you company.